Steam Empire, Metaverse, STM, Web3.
The Steam Empire on the Metaverse.
Steam Empire. Redefining finance with speed, security & empowerment. Join the future of DeFi. Steam Empire.
About Us
The metaverse is a vision of what many in the computer industry believe is the next iteration of the internet: a single, shared, immersive, persistent, 3D virtual space where humans experience life in ways they could not in the physical world. #Steam Empire #Metaverse #STM #Web3
Open Protocol
Dapps and web3 will be built on top of Steam Empire to benefit from unique predictive models that enable a variety of features
The Ecosystem
Any Dapp using the protocol will be part of the Steam Empire ecosystem as it will also be using the STM token as base currency for the interactions with the protocol
What is the technology in Web3?
Web3 is a term used to describe the next iteration of the internet, one that is built on blockchain technology and is communally controlled by its users.
STM Web3
Web3 is a term used to describe the next iteration of the internet, one that is built on blockchain technology and is communally controlled by its users. 3D illustration of a human hand and a digital hand reaching through geometric portals and touching finger tips at the center of the frame. (5 pages)
AI in Action
Predictive models built in the protocol take advantage of the most advanced and proven Artificial Intelligence methods to get the most out of historical data
What is Steam Empire?
Let's take a brief tour through the essentials in this video.
The Steam Empire protocol is open for Dapps and web3 of the Ecosystem.
Try the first web3 built on top of Steam Empire
Steam Empire
Experience a new way of web3 with Steam Empire built on top of Steam Empire and Chainlink's VRF
Test STM Alpha Soon
Steam Empire
What is Web3 being used for? With Web 3.0, users will be able to sell their own data through decentralized data networks, ensuring that they maintain ownership control. much more efficient and fun. Steam Empire is a web3 that uses such a model from the protocol.
Steam Empire, web3 Content
Web3 content marketing refers to the creation and sharing of content using a decentralised network to grow Web3 businesses. It is changing how businesses and content creators connect with their audiences. you need to look at its key principles.
Staking and Farming features in progress.
Be among the first to enjoy up to 188% APY as early adopter
Double Reward System in BNB and STM tokens
Total Supply: 100 million STM Tokens
  • Community and Ecosystem
  • Team and Founders
  • Research and Development
  • Staking
  • Burn
  • Marketing and Partnership
Initial Circulating Supply : 100M
STM Max Supply : 100M
This is a rough roadmap. The exact project progress will be published regularly on our Telegram announcement channel.
  • 2023: Q-1
    • Project study & Research
    • Rough design
    • Proof of concept
    • Seed investment 1
  • 2023: Q-2
    • Refined design
    • Team Building
    • License acquisition from African
    • Protocol development
    • Design Steam Empire Game
  • 2023: Q-3
    • Development protocol & STM
    • Whitepaper
    • Smart contracts design
    • Seed investment 2
  • 2024:
    • Developments (Protocol, Contracts, Steam Empire)
    • Community building
    • Strategic Token Pre-Sale
  • 2024
    • STM public pre-sale
    • Token Generation Event (TGE)
    • Listing in DEXes and coin trackers
    • Partnerships, CEX listings
    • Marketing & PR Strategy
  • 2024
    • Further developments
    • Integration and public testing
    • Smart contracts audits
    • Global Marketing
    • Staking features release
  • 2024
    • Release of Steam Empire STM.
    • Release of Ecosystem Rewards (Binance BNB)
    • Design of the mobile versions
  • 2024
    • Further CEX listings
    • Mobile versions of Steam Empire
    • Further web3:Rewards, Nfts & STM
    • Review of financial predictive models
  • 2025
    • More: web3 STM, Staking, Bots, etc.
    • Integration of financial predictive models
    • Review of predictive models for metaverse WEb3, STM
  • listing
Steam Empire